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Meet Tina Ruppert - owner of Wise Crackin Mosaics.
"I first got bitten by the 'mosaic bug' almost 10 years ago when I broke up a mirror and applied it to my fireplace mantle. I saw something similar on HGTV and was hooked! From there, it just snowballed. The last couple of years I've made baby signs for my friends with the newborn's name on it and seemed to improve and have more ideas with each one. I've also covered almost every table top in my house, every vase, every candleholder, every mirror and every picture frame with mosaics. I'm about to tackle the pink bathtub next!! Then the inevitable comments from everyone came....."These are really ought to sell them"!!  I was laid off from my full time 'rat race' job recently and now I have plenty of time to create and mosaic things. The bad part is I now have no money to support my habit! Oh well, I'd much rather be in this place now than in the place I was a year ago. My dream is to have my glass studio in a glassed in sunroom on the top of a cliff overlooking the ocean on some tropical island. Constant inspiration!! If it wasn't for that money thing, I'd be there right now. So now I just keep on creating because that's my 'thing'. Maybe the beach house will come later!"

Wise Crackin Mosaics ~ Joined February, 2014

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